Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Boss Tribute

It is with mixed emotion that I write this particular blog entry. My current boss for the last three years has submitted his letter if resignation. I knew this day would come as he is young and passionate. I was just selfishly hoping it wouldn't be for another year or two. Of course I am happy for him and the advancement of his goals and dreams. But since this blog is about keeping it real....WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEEE!

I am deeply saddened about his leaving and here is why. He is simply the best boss I have ever none. I think I have told him this at least weekly for the past three years and have tried to tell him immediately when he does, just the right thing, so I don't forget what that particular thing is that makes him so good.

One of the first things I ever noticed about him upon meeting him the first time...or rather the second time is his attention to detail. He remembered who I was and details about me. This was before I worked for him! On my first interview with him I began to notice his passion. Not just passion for his job, although he has plenty of that, but just his passion for life and people. I remember thinking "how do I get his job" because he made it sound like sooo much fun! Well, from my lips to God's ears because the very next day the position I currently hold was posted.

Some of the things that really make him stand out are, and not in any particular order, his patience. He was very patient teaching me the ropes and the things I didn't know. His sense of humor is great and he really does think work should be fun so we have had a lot of fun over the years.

He is quick to praise and slow to criticize. When he does have a criticism he is private and always respectful. His praise is both public and private and much appreciated.

He is compassionate and generous to those with less, whether it's money or skills or anything else. He is an excellent listener unless it's the end of the day on Friday and then we just laugh.

He is supportive in personal and professional goals and endeavors. He knows how to give people space to to succeed...or fail..but gives space for a person to spread their wings.

I've had a lot of bad bosses over the years and it has been so refreshing to have such a wonderful one this time. I am sure I am missing a million other points I have made to him over the years but I can't really see what I'm typing at this point. I will miss him deeply...

Just keepin it real.


  1. It's so scary when a good boss leaves. I cried when John Hodges got transferred from Lunds. I am hoping the best for your boss and that the replacement enriches your life and not the opposite!

  2. Thanks Helen. The good ones are few and far between.
