Friday, May 4, 2012

Welcome to My Lair

Yeah, I said lair!  I am hoping to lure people here and then once they are here they will find me so witty and insightful they will never leave!  Bwahahahahah.

Thanks for following me over to Blogger...all two of you!  Maybe the switch was too big and I lost one follower so now I'm down to one.  Oh well, I'm hoping this will be easier in the long run and I will gain millions and millions of followers and become a huge internet sensation!

Clearly it's Friday and I need sleep or something because I have gone round the bend!  I will talk to you at a later time but for now....happy Friday....and let's keep it real out there!


  1. Hey Anna, Welcome to Blogger...Eric T.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ok...trying this one more time...took some doing but I think I got this figured out. So much to learn. Anna, what you have to say is valuable...beleve.
