Sunday, July 15, 2012


I love movies. I have always loved movies but as I get older I realize how often the same story is told and so they begin to lose their allure. That's why I love it when I see a movie that sticks with me long after I've seen it. I just saw The Beasts of the Southern Wild yesterday and it was fantastic. It's basically a meaning of life type movie but very smartly done.

The story is told from the point of view of a small child and that little girl is staying with me. Maybe it's just personal but I highly recommend this movie.

What are we doing to leave our mark on the world? Have we made any corner of the world better by being in it. Have we helped anyone? I often wish I could have the experience of of It's A Wonderful Life so I could see whether or not I have actually helped anyone in this world.

My next birthday is the big 50 and I have been giving a lot of thought as to what I want to do. More and more I am thinking of doing 50 random acts of kindness that day. I would love my friends to join me in that endeavor so if you are reading this and have any suggestions of things to do and want to join me, I welcome your ideas.

I sort of changed topics here but I'm just keeping it real.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A New Dawning

Ok this post is going to make me sound crazy but I am just going to keep it real and see how it goes.

I've always know artists are very visual people but I often get to thinking that everyone can see what I see. I'm willing to concede that maybe that's not the case. I have never admitted what I'm about to say in a public forum before because I'm afraid you will judge me and call me crazy. Here goes. I see faces. All over the place at any given time. I figure anyone can see them, especially if I point them out. Not so much! I see them so much that I've decided to start drawing them or chronicle them in some way. The problem is I don't have paper and pencil handy when I see them.

Today I was sitting in the bathroom looking at my towel hanging on the rod and I often see faces in my towels. Today was no exception and since I had my phone with me I decided to take a photo so I could draw it later. I took several photos and never can I see the face in the photo. Is it a vampire? I would argue not. The only conclusion I can come to is that I see them more in my mind than the camera sees them. I'm a little freaked out right now.

I see faces in chipped paint patterns on bathroom walls and water stained streets and sidewalks. Apparently I need to start carrying around a notebook so I can keep a log of them.

Okay. So now you know I'm crazy! At least I'm keeping it real!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What Is Physical Beauty Anyway?

I have been thinking about physical beauty recently, with all the media and societal pressure to be attractive on a physical level. What does that even mean? It's so ridiculous to even try to describe it since everyone has such a different opinion of what beauty is. Is it long hair or short or bald? Blond, brunette, or redhead? Muscular or thin or plump? Blue eyes, brown eyes, or green eyes? (I have no idea why I've listed all these things in threes!)

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as we have heard a hundred times but it is absolutely true. As humans we seem to never appreciate what we have when we have it anyway. My dear friend Annie and I have lamented, that when we were young and hot we had NO idea we were, and thought we were ugly and fat, etc. Now we are older, wiser, and have a lot more self confidence and are content with who we are.

Yesterday I saw the movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, and it was a great movie, but one of the things that struck me is how beautiful the lead actresses were and not by Hollywood standards. The female leads are Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, and Celia Imrie. They are older and to their credit have not done all the plastic surgery to make them wrinkle free etc. and they are stunning! I wish that would catch on here in the US so people could relax and be themselves. And by people I mean women! Men are not as confined to the beauty myth that women seem to be in.

As long as I'm on this topic, another movie worth seeing is Miss Representation. A documentary speaking on what Hollywood and the media is doing to women regarding how they look. Some people are taking a stand and not getting "work" done on their faces even if it means not getting a job. That takes guts but I applaud them for it.

Rock on for aging naturally. Thank you Judi Dench and others for keeping it real.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's The Journey Not The Destination

How many times have we heard that saying? It is true though because once you are at the end it's over and you look around wondering what else to do? The fun, the learning and the anticipation are usually what makes it enjoyable...even the hassles and frustrations are good because you learn something from that as well.

I just completed a pair of knitted socks. Now, I have made socks before but I was trying to learn a new technique. It was fun and challenging and frustrating as well but they are done and I am happy. My next pair will be better and hopefully easier.

This is why creative people end up with hundreds of things and are forever in pursuit of the next's the process that's invigorating, probably more than the end product. I could go buy socks cheaper and easier than it took to make them but it's so satisfying to say I made them.

Here is a photo of my latest socks and now off to work so I can keep it real.

Monday, May 21, 2012


A huge thank-you to all of you who came out to Art-A-Whirl to show your support, whether you bought something or provided much needed company and a few laughs, it was ALL appreciated!

I am continuously impressed by my friends show of support of my art and of my life in general. It does my heart good to have such a great support system. I have had one all my life and I hope the universe gives you what you need for all the help I have received over the years from so many.

Keepin' it real on a tired Monday.

Monday, May 14, 2012

More Sneak Peaks

Sneak Peak

I will post a few pictures this week to hopefully entice you to come visit me during Art-A-Whirl. I will be in the lower level of the Keg House so come say hi and buy a bunch of stuff! Keep'n it real.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


So, I have spent my whole life trying to become one with my hair and when I finally starts to change! Really? Being a woman of a certain age my gray hairs are coming in straight!!! Yup, you heard it here...straight I tell you! How is that possible?

I can't speak for other women, but I have spent a LOT of time over the years thinking about, stressing over, analyzing, over analyzing, and perseverating over my hair. The question is why?

Several reasons actually. First, I grew up in a small town where there were virtually no Black people so no one knew how to cut my hair or style it so I was relegated to a fro...whether I wanted one or not. Out of lack of knowledge about my own hair I usually just parted it down the middle and made two braids and called it a day.

I knew nothing about good hair products or any tips and tricks to help contain the frizz etc. That was just the physical struggle and then there was the psychological struggle.

I had very low self-esteem as a kid and my hair was one of many contributing factors. People would often say things like "can I touch your hair?". I let them and almost without fail they would say "wow is your hair soft!". "I thought it would feel like Brillo pads! I have also had people say things like "wouldn't you rather cut your hair?". No. But clearly YOU would rather I cut my hair. My hair is a little too ethnic for some.

On the other side of the fence I would hear from many people, "you got that good hair". Now at first it might seem like a compliment, but it never quite sat right with me and I couldn't explain why. Later in life I figured out why. The people who said this to me were always Black people, and usually, though not always, older. It never felt right because it implied that my hair was "better" than theirs and I never felt comfortable with that. What I have come to understand is that Black people were not happy with their hair which I never knew living in that small town. The further away from looking like a slave you could get, the better.

Sadly this way of thinking still exists although there is a movement out there to live with your natural hair, the way it grows out if your head! What a concept! If you are interested in a good film about this topic, check out the Chris Rock film called "Good Hair". It's very well done.

This has been something that has occupied a lot of my thoughts over the years and when I finally have it all sorted and figured out and am at peace then it goes straight on me!! It's not all straight yet so I can still enjoy my corkscrew curls a while longer...just keep'n it real!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Boss Tribute

It is with mixed emotion that I write this particular blog entry. My current boss for the last three years has submitted his letter if resignation. I knew this day would come as he is young and passionate. I was just selfishly hoping it wouldn't be for another year or two. Of course I am happy for him and the advancement of his goals and dreams. But since this blog is about keeping it real....WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEEE!

I am deeply saddened about his leaving and here is why. He is simply the best boss I have ever none. I think I have told him this at least weekly for the past three years and have tried to tell him immediately when he does, just the right thing, so I don't forget what that particular thing is that makes him so good.

One of the first things I ever noticed about him upon meeting him the first time...or rather the second time is his attention to detail. He remembered who I was and details about me. This was before I worked for him! On my first interview with him I began to notice his passion. Not just passion for his job, although he has plenty of that, but just his passion for life and people. I remember thinking "how do I get his job" because he made it sound like sooo much fun! Well, from my lips to God's ears because the very next day the position I currently hold was posted.

Some of the things that really make him stand out are, and not in any particular order, his patience. He was very patient teaching me the ropes and the things I didn't know. His sense of humor is great and he really does think work should be fun so we have had a lot of fun over the years.

He is quick to praise and slow to criticize. When he does have a criticism he is private and always respectful. His praise is both public and private and much appreciated.

He is compassionate and generous to those with less, whether it's money or skills or anything else. He is an excellent listener unless it's the end of the day on Friday and then we just laugh.

He is supportive in personal and professional goals and endeavors. He knows how to give people space to to succeed...or fail..but gives space for a person to spread their wings.

I've had a lot of bad bosses over the years and it has been so refreshing to have such a wonderful one this time. I am sure I am missing a million other points I have made to him over the years but I can't really see what I'm typing at this point. I will miss him deeply...

Just keepin it real.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Welcome to My Lair

Yeah, I said lair!  I am hoping to lure people here and then once they are here they will find me so witty and insightful they will never leave!  Bwahahahahah.

Thanks for following me over to Blogger...all two of you!  Maybe the switch was too big and I lost one follower so now I'm down to one.  Oh well, I'm hoping this will be easier in the long run and I will gain millions and millions of followers and become a huge internet sensation!

Clearly it's Friday and I need sleep or something because I have gone round the bend!  I will talk to you at a later time but for now....happy Friday....and let's keep it real out there!

To Write a Book Or Not...that is the question?

I have been in conversations recently with a friend who suggested we collaborate on a book project. This brings to mind something I heard a very long time ago, that everyone has at least one book within them to write. Most people probably won’t do it but I’m thinking about joining the ranks of those who have.

I don’t profess to be a good writer or that my life is that interesting. In fact I think my life is very uninteresting but I have been told many times throughout my life that I should write a book. I guess I’ve become so accustomed to my life, for better or worse, that I forget it might be of interest to someone or that it might help someone else having some difficulties in their life.

Aside from not having any free time in which to actually do this, it would also mean dredging up a bunch of memories I would just as soon not dwell on again. I have done a lot of work in certain areas of my life but in order for the book to be authentic I would need to revisit the past.

It’s an interesting dilemma and no final decisions have been made, but it gives me reason to pause and contemplate keepin’ it real.

So Many People in Pain

It seems that everyone I know is going through some very painful experiences right now. Whether its surgery or accidents, illness or death, it’s all around me. The hard part…as though there is an easy part…is the waiting. Waiting for a person to wake up from surgery, waiting to hear the news of how someone is doing, waiting to hear of another death.

It has been said that death comes in threes and I certainly have found that to be true. So I find myself sitting around waiting for the other shoe to drop. I have no solutions or mind bending insight about this…just waiting and keepin’ it real.

Social Meda for a Social Girl

I ponder why a social person such as myself struggles so much embracing social media? I think there are a couple of major reasons.

1. There are just so many options! I’m old. My brain is tired and overloaded and trying to sort it all out is very overwhelming.

2. I’m old school in that I still like to talk to people in real time and face to face!

So…I’m doing my best to try to evolve and move into the 21st century before my brain completely turns to dust. Thanks for taking the journey with me and keep’n it real.


I work two jobs which ultimately requires that I work seven days a week one job or the other, or both. I am completely exhausted and every day tasks are not getting done, yet I am participating in Art-A-Whirl this year which has been called the largest art crawl in the country. You might ask why the hell would I do that? Well let me tell you.

I am trying to regain my life back. I once had a life that was comfortable, and stable, where I actually had some time to make art and enjoy a little free time. My life changed dramatically and I ended up on a very different path. Although I have zero regrets about the choices I made that got me where i find myself now, I want my creative space back!

I want it all! The physical space as well as the mental space where creativity can grow and explore and play. In an attempt to get back to a more creative life, I committed to the art show which is forcing me to do something…anything.

I internally committed to two years of the show so I could make an attempt to work on a project that has been burning a hole in my brain for a while now. This new work will be for next year but I’m excited thinking about it.

For this year I will be selling jewelery so come buy yourself a little something!

Just keepin it real…